Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fun With Numbers

A converstaion with James, my two year old...Okay.  Really, he just babbles and I translate it into English...

James:  ...Okay, carry the 7...and divide by...

Me:  What are you working on?

James:  Just finishing some statistics.

Me:  Statistics? About what?

James:  Just odd things that I've noticed.

Me:  Such as?

James:  Such as....Were you aware that 73.23% of your day at home is spent with a talking animal of some sort on the TV?

Me:  Really?

James:  Yep. And also that 4 out of 7 of my nap times are actually spent awake, making shadow puppets on the wall that resemble various objects that share the shape of an arm? Like a snake or an eel or the Washington monument or an arm....

Me:  What?

James:  Oh, here's a fun one! 26.29% of the people that meet you think that you smell like rice pudding.

Me:  I can't remember the last time I even had rice pudding!

James:  Hmmm. I would definitely check into that...And 33.33% of your children don't think you're funny....

Me:  Who?

James:  I'm just reporting the facts...This one is fairly odd. When asked, the average baby in this house would rather eat a dead skunk's back thigh than to ever eat that stuff you try to pass off as tuna noodle casserole...(mouthing words) It's really bad...

Me: That's weird. Your mom says it's bad too...

James: How interesting! Because I have also learned that 97.87% of the time, Mom is right and you are wrong.

Me: Well, here's a statistic for you, Baby Einstein. 50% of the people in this room have poop in their pants.

James: ...That's just mean

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